11 listopada 2012

Forever Strong - Niezłomny

Piękny Film. Warto obejrzeć.

Film oparty na faktach. Rick Penning to obiecujący gracz rugby w drużynie Flagstaff, jednak po wypadku spowodowanym jazdą pod wpływem alkoholu trafia do domu poprawczego. Swoim talentem zwraca na siebie uwagę trenera, odwiecznie wrogiej drużyny Highland. Pomimo początkowej nieufności, pod jego skrzydłami rozwija swoje umiejętności, ale też dojrzewa jako osoba.

Quotes by Coach Larry Gelwix

” It’s not about rugby, it’s about young men. It’s not about building a championship team, it’s about building championship boys. Boys who will be forever strong. ”
“I want you to be forever strong on the field, so that you will be forever strong off the field.”
"You have two years to serve the Lord, and the rest of your life to think about it."
"Good decisions don't make life easy, but they do make it easier."
"The true test of a man is what he will do when no one will know."
"The essence of a lie is not the words you choose, but the message you convey."
"If you lose your integrity, you've lost everything."
"Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent."

Rick Penning, the 17-year-old star player on his coach/father's rugby team, lands inside the Wasatch County Juvenile Detention Center following his second drunk driving conviction (and where his father leaves him to rot). Mistrust and dislike of the situation makes Rick anything but a model prisoner, but counselors at the center nonetheless hook him up with the Highland Rugby Team, a team renowned for its long string of successive state championships. Its coach, Larry Gelwix, has a surprisingly unexpected philosophy: train boys to be champions in life first, then on the field. Rick doesn't buy into this, which could earn him some time in State Prison if he doesn't turn his life and attitude around by the time he turns 18.

Link do filmu: Tutaj

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